02 December, 2008

i know, i know

I need a new blog entry! Even if you were thinking about trying those enchiladas, you are probably so sick of looking at them that you will refuse to do so now. I am going to try to put up something of substance (as much as anything ever is) soon, but for now, I have a question for my loyal readers and the universe at large:

Is it normal to only breathe out of one nostril at a time? Which nostril is clear varies, but I can rarely breathe through both at the same, and that's even when I'm NOT congested. Is this true for everyone, or am I a freak? (Meaning: am I freak in this regard - no need to debate my freakishness at large!)

And because posts are always better with pictures, I will leave you with this:

The cuteness... it burns...


MichelleSG said...

Oh you're a freak. My dh has the same problem but he also has a deviated septum (bar brawl, looked at some guys gf or somesuch, as the story goes. Whatever) and asthma. So he never breathes right. What's your excuse?

Susie said...

Hmmm. No bar brawls but I do have asthma. Maybe my septum has somehow been mysteriously deviated. That sounds kinda dirty.

Boyz3Mommy said...

You are a freak. You should be able to breath out "both noses" as the boys say. Two nostrils should work at the same time, unless you're stuff, then only one at a time. FUNNY lady!

Anonymous said...

I concur. Freak city. Both should work most of the time, except when congested.

Anonymous said...

How much concentrating do you have to do to figure out which nostril or nostrils you are breathing through? I have been trying to figure that out. When I breathe deeply, I feel more air going through one than the other, but I think I am still actually sucking air into the second one....slightly freakish!

Anonymous said...

Having upper and lower jaw surgery on Monday, I have the answer to this question! My surgeon is about to alter the dimensions of my nose and airways, so, he asked me if I breathe out of one nostril all the time, or if it goes back and forth. Back and forth was my answer, and he said, "good". I always thought that was a problem, too. He said it was normal. He called it 'cycling', and said that if it didn't cycle between nostrils, then one side would get dry as a bone and have problems. I guess one side opens for awhile, then the other side closes via the tissue re-inflaming, thereby prepping it to open back up later, breathe air and warm it, catch particles, etc. So, I guess 'cycling' is good, normal, and not a problem!