05 December, 2008


Y'all, check out what my friend "Anonymous" just put in the comments on the nostril post. I will copy it here:

Having upper and lower jaw surgery on Monday, I have the answer to this question! My surgeon is about to alter the dimensions of my nose and airways, so, he asked me if I breathe out of one nostril all the time, or if it goes back and forth. Back and forth was my answer, and he said, "good". I always thought that was a problem, too. He said it was normal. He called it 'cycling', and said that if it didn't cycle between nostrils, then one side would get dry as a bone and have problems. I guess one side opens for awhile, then the other side closes via the tissue re-inflaming, thereby prepping it to open back up later, breathe air and warm it, catch particles, etc. So, I guess 'cycling' is good, normal, and not a problem!

That's right - I am totally good and normal and all y'all two-nostril breathers are the freaks!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA


Boyz3Mommy said...

And who is defining her "normalcy"? hmmmmm - ya big freak! :)

P.S. Still breathing through two...and I'm with Kelli. How can you really tell?

Susie said...

A surgeon said I'm normal! ;oP

OK, hold a finger over the opening of each nostril (not IN!) and see if anything is getting through in the other one. Then reverse and check again. Admittedly, sometimes I can breathe through both, but one is always just barely getting air through, if at all. I'm cycling, dude. I should tell B, he always wishes I would cycle with him... now I can say I do! ahahahahaaa

Boyz3Mommy said...

I got it through both still. Cracking up and so glad no one can see me. Barry will be so proud of your cycling abilites. You'll have to tell me what he says! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to say that this test is better done at a time when I am not suffering from sinus crap...so maybe I will never get to do it :-) I think that one gets a little less airflow than the other, but again, that could be sinus congestion.
You might still be a freak, but maybe just for other reasons ;-)