04 September, 2008

make you a deal,

Sarah Palin: I'll stay out of your family's reproductive bizness if you'll stay out of MINE.

No? That's what I thought.

Ironic how conservatives are praising the daughter for her "choice" to keep the baby. So wait a minute - does that mean they're admitting that women ARE capable of making a choice regarding their offspring??? Oh right, just not THAT choice...

(I wonder how much of a choice this poor girl had about her impending marriage.)

Palin is for "abstinence until marriage" sex education - her own kid is a walking poster child for WHAT DOESN'T WORK. Yet, she is praised for it. Can someone explain this to me?

I have always thought that pro-life advocates, logically, should be the biggest proponents of birth control in the world, yet they are just the opposite. And I wonder how many of them are out there fostering and adopting all the unwanted children in this country? And why is it wrong to use embryonic cells - that are being thrown away ANYWAY - for research that could SAVE the lives of innocent children who have already been born and are facing terrible diseases and hardships? Why are those children not worth saving, but a bundle of cells that's otherwise going in the garbage is? Because of Jesus? Huh??? I fail to see the connection. And why should Jesus have anything to do with it anyway? Remember that little thing called the separation of church and state? Oh I know, I know, nation founded by Christians blah blah blah. So what?? What is important is that this nation was founded as a place where people have the freedom to practice any religion they choose, or no religion at all. So I still don't see what Jesus has to do with policy.

And don't even get me started on her wanting Creationism taught in school. Yes, of course evolution is just a "theory". It's a scientifically legitimate theory. Who knows what new scientific theories we will come up with in the centuries to come? Science is always evolving. (And for the record, I don't think the concept of God and the theory of evolution are necessarily mutually exclusive.) But to teach Creationism in SCIENCE class is comparable to teaching Greek mythology there as well. And hey, she's from Alaska, is she cool with throwing some Inuit creation stories in too? No? You can believe whatever you want, but that doesn't make it science. OK, I got myself started. Just one more point here. Palin is quoted in an interview with the Anchorage Daily News a couple years ago regarding her stance on teaching Creationism in schools.

“Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides.” [bolding is mine]

Irony of all ironies considering her ideas about sex ed? Am I right?

I watched most of her speech last night. I could almost hear all the Republican mommies in the country heaving a post-orgasmic sigh afterwards. I think she will be a popular pick for McCain within his own party, esp. with the far right religious members, but I'm not sure how many moderates and undecideds she'll bring in. I can't imagine many Hillary supporters jumping ship to vote for her, considering her stance on many issues is completely opposite to Hillary's. Not sure what McCain was hoping to accomplish here. We shall see, though. Maybe it will turn out to be a brilliant move on his part, and we'll get 4 more years of neo-con fundamentalist pandering. *blood runs cold*


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fun blog thingy you've created! I'm ever-so techno-dumb as I age, so who'da thought. You're so clever... and a great writer.

You know, I actually liked Palin's speach okay... because she didn't talk about ISSUES much at all. What I liked was that she seems to be fully aware she's an underdog and will need to try. Plus, and this is so important, she's pretty, even though she still sports beauty pageant hair from her glory days.

Basically each and every one of the Pres and VP candidates make me cringe and/or yack about every 30 seconds of exposure, so I'm being an irresponsible American and ignoring the election as much as possible. Isn't that awful? Cindy McCain continually posing with that baby during Palin's speech... pu-leeeeeze.

Is this, like, not cool to leave such a lengthy comment on someone's site? Probably.

Um, Lisa, had you closed the garage door that day?

Anonymous said...

Danny, you can leave comments as lengthy as you want! And thank you!

I liked her speech okay, too. And yes, girlfriend definitely has the beauty queen thing goin' on, heh heh. That's why she worries me...

I'm not paying attention to the nitty-gritty much either, though for some reason we watched her speech and it inspired me to find out more about her, and then to be very afraid.

"Um, Lisa, had you closed the garage door
that day?" <-- LMAO!!

Boyz3Mommy said...

YEAH...what she said!

MC said...

Why don't you tell us how you really feel! Haha!