13 November, 2008

in which she leaves politics aside and resumes her inane perspicacious musings

Love is a Stranger - the best Eurythmics song in the history of Eurythmics? I think we all know the answer is yes, but if you have a cogent argument you may attempt to dissuade me. And the video, oh how it reminds me of the glorious days of early MTV. I have no idea if MTV even plays videos anymore, but if they do, I bet there are few as good as the masters of the 80s. Duran Duran's repertoire alone is proof!

But back to Eurythmics. This video is classic - cool, sleek, dark, and a bit dangerous, and Annie Lennox is completely fabulous. Unfortunately youtube is not allowing the video to be embedded, which pisses me off, but what can you do? I'll tell you what you can do - go to this link and reminisce about a bygone era, and a band and network whose better days are behind them.

Love is a Stranger

Do it! I'll know if you don't do it! And then I will also know that you suck!

PS - I will be doing these types of posts regularly.

PPS - Maybe.


MichelleSG said...

Done! I swear MTV sucks now, haven't watched it in decades. That was a cool video, I had forgotten how cool the old videos were and yes Duran Duran was just all that and more!

Boyz3Mommy said...

Okay, good...I don't suck now. I must admit that back in the day Annie Lennox used to scare the shit outta me. Looking back at her now, man she was hot. Thanks for helping me to think back to the good ole days.

Anonymous said...

i thought your headline was referring to sarah palin.