15 August, 2008

Post the second - where anything goes!

OK, so I posted this immediately after my first post, and I could have made it my first post, but for Very Important Reasons outlined in the previous - and first - post (see below), I did not. (There are far too many "posts" in this paragraph. Yick.)

When it comes to chips, I'm a flavor lover. "Plain" is lame. Nacho cheese doritos were an addiction for me as a kid, even the best tortilla chips aren't worth eating without salsa, and I will always pick cheddar sun chips over regular. So why are these old-school plain jane non-flavored ruffles that L left in the kitchen the best freaking thing I have eaten in DAYS???? Well, I'll tell you. Because I figured it out. It's because of the hormones. You just cannot appreciate the overwhelming and tremendous satisfaction that simple salty crispy fat-fried pieces of the lowly potato can provide until you have had the PMS. Sorry, guys. (Well OK there is another way but that is not the subject of this blog.)

* sigh *

Good stuff. I'm completely satisfied.



does anyone have any chocolate????


MC said...

Hey, there should always be an endless supply of chocolate! You need chocolate covered pretzels - salt, crunch, and chocolate all together...mmmm!

Boyz3Mommy said...

I love you lady...you say exactly what I feel!!! I'm so glad you're a-bloggin' now!!! YAY you.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I eat something amazing and salty (like potato chips or really crisp french fries) I then have the need to follow with M&M's or ice cream. That salty sweet thing is an endless addictive style....except right now. For some reason these crazy pregnancy hormones have somehow (and this is completely crazy!!!) made me completely turned off by almost all sweets! Weird, huh??? But bring on the chips and fries!!